Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day

This holiday definitely falls into the same boat as Halloween: kind of fun for kids but WAY more fun for adults.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Video Games and Why Some Rule

I often had wondered why some video games seem so inherently great, while others are dull and boring.  For example, no matter where you go you'll find general agreement that some of the greatest games of all time are Super Mario Bros. 3, The Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Kart, Golden Eye, Halo 2, and Gears of War.  But what makes them great?

I'd argue there are main criteria.

1) Natural learning progression.  On all of these games, you were able to pick them up and if you had some video game skill probably beat level 1.  While playing the game it kept challenging you to learn new skills and such, but in a manner where you were never overwhelmed.
2) Throw the controller against the wall hard in some places.  All of these games had their spots where you could wanted to scream because they were so hard.  But then once you beat them it gave you that true feeling of satisfaction.
3) Expansive.  On all of these games you can either go through the game as fast as you want, or take more time to explore and find more things.  They games are epic in scope, and the first time through you won't see everything.
4) No limit to mastery / re-playability.  All of these games really have no limit to how how good you can be in them, and also have no limit in how many times you will want to play them again.  The games essentially allow a player to be as talented as they want, and the ability to showcase that talent.